Local Elective - 6-8 STEAM - Bynum - 3(B,D)-3(B,D) Assignments

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Intro to Problem Solving in Google Classroom

Intro to Problem Solving


Intro to Problem Solving in Google Classroom

Intro to Problem Solving


BHM - Famous Inventors  in Google Classroom

BHM - Famous Inventors

Attached you will find the assignment details for your BHM research project. Also, be sure to focus on the list provided.


Who is your famous inventor and why did you choose them? in Google Classroom

Who is your famous inventor and why did you choose them?


Infographic of Famous Inventors in Google Classroom

Infographic of Famous Inventors

Based on your findings and the information on your 5W's foldable, add 4-5 facts and 3-5 images to portray who the inventor is/was and what they created. 

Get creative and add visuals that will captivate your audience. 


Famous Inventors Research via Newsela in Google Classroom

Famous Inventors Research via Newsela

You will need to make a copy of the document before you can begin typing.